Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 MYTHS about Global Warming

Don't believe these commonly heard statements:

* It isn't really happening (documented science overwhelmingly shows temperatures rising rapidly)

* It's natural (temperature increases, especially since the 1970's, are far above natural variations)

* Any effects well be very gradual (not only are severe storms getting stronger, but climate history shows sharp climate changes can occur abruptly, in only a few years)

* It does not affect the U.S. (the U.S. is experiencing rising sea levels, more severe storms and droughts, die-off of forests, altered animal migrations, and loss of glaciers such as those in Glacier National Park)

* It will be good for us (some areas may become more pleasantly warm, but the cost of negative effects will far outweigh any benefits; disease and heat deaths are increasing)

* Agriculture will benefit (CO2 may make some crops grow faster, but also will accelerate weeds, pests and droughts; crops may not grow well where they once did as climate zones shift.)

* It's being handled by our government Changes we make to how we get and use energy will cost billions and throw millions out of work. (There are costs to any change, but study after study shows the net effect of conservation, efficiency and less-polluting energy will be more local jobs, less cost for power, and savings in health and local pollution control. The costs of severe climate change effects like seacoast erosion is far greater than working to reduce them.)

* It's not a big deal compared to national security (Global warming is actually the most serious threat to the widest range of human concerns. Our national and world security is directly threatened by negative climate effects on weather, water supply, disease, agriculture, marine resources, and health)

* Technology will solve the problem for us (Massive "fixes" like burying greenhouse gases are very unlikely, but many smaller changes can make a difference AND are available now)

* There's nothing to be done anyway (Everyone can make a difference today)

A call for the Cool Earth Brigade of Kulachians

Climate change is real!

We are all responsible for it, and we must all be part of the solution.

Each of us is responsible for adding a lot of CO2 annually to

light our homes,

drive our cars,

fly to distant places

and everything else we do.

Be a leader in the fight against climate change today!

Spread awareness.

How much carbon emission is being done by countries of the world.

message for the COOL EARTH BRIGADE the green Kulachians

The Most Important Things You Can Do about Rapid Climate Change:

1. Understand the Problem,
2. its causes .
3. Do Something Today to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
4. find solutions

Take Action Today--------------action time !

To Do Today

Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F). You'll not only save energy, you'll avoid scalding your hands

Start using energy-saving settings on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and clothes dryers.

Survey your incandescent lights for opportunities to replace them with compact fluorescents (CFLs). These lamps can save three-quarters of the electricity used by incandescents. The best targets are 60-100W bulbs used several hours a day. New CFLs come in many sizes and styles to fit in most standard fixtures.

Check the age and condition of your major appliances, especially the refrigerator. You may want to replace it with a more energy-efficient model before it dies.

Clean or replace the air-conditioners.


As it takes up heat, ocean water expands -- the major cause of sea level rising at a rate now exceeding 8 inches a century. Sea level rose about 6 inches in the 20th century, but the rise is predicted to increase to as much as a meter by 2100 (see Coastlines and Glacier sections). Coral, which thrives at and near the sea surface, is not expected to be able to keep pace with this rapid increase in water depth. In addition, seas are dissolving more and more carbon dioxide. Even though this adds more carbon, a raw material for coral making calcium carbonate reefs, it also acidifies the water, actually inhibiting the growth of coral.


Around the globe, sea level is more than 6 inches higher than it was 100 years ago, due primarily to warmer sea water and runoff from melting glaciers. The rate of rise is now 12 inches per century and increasing. The IPCC projected in its 2007 report a sea level up to 2 feet higher by 2100. However, leading glaciologists have long maintained that accepted estimates of sea level rise were underestimated, due to the rapid retreat of mountain glaciers and the unpredictable change to ice caps in Greenland and West Antarctica. Studies released in 2008 and 2009 using various satellite sensors of the sea surface plus estimates of continuing ice cap and glacier melt indicate sea level will be three feet or more higher by the end of the century.

Greenland's huge icecap melting?

Greenland's huge icecap, second only to Antarctica, is also showing signs of change, although measurements are preliminary. Outflow glaciers like this one on the central east coast, as measured by NASA airborne radar and laser, appear to be thinning and flowing more rapidly. The National Climate Data Center (NOAA) reports that 2002 saw the greatest measured surface melt of Greenland ice in 24 years of satellite records. Two deep ice cores from there provide a detailed Northern Hemisphere climate record extending beyond the last ice age.

Melting glaciers GREENLAND GLACIER

Receding Glaciers

Portage glacier in 1914

Portage glacier in 2004

Polar Bear Listed in Endangered Species Act

The polar bear was officially listed as threatened under the U.S. endangered species act (ESA) on May 14, 2008. This the first creature brought under the act's protection for habitat loss that is linked to global warming. The official reason given was loss of Arctic sea ice and predictions that the ice will continue to decrease. Although global warming has been identified by most atmospheric and polar scientists as the main reason for Arctic warming and melting of sea ice, the U.S. Interior Department did not use man-made global warming as a reason and clearly signaled it would not apply the law to greenhouse gas emissions.

Polar bears threatened by Global warming !

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


all members of
The brigade has a lot to do as discussed earlier.
Children ! You all know that our beloved planet , Earth is dashing toward an immensely warmer future.
Global warming is caused by green house gases, which trap in the sun’s infrared rays in the earth’s atmosphere, which in turn heat up the earth’s atmosphere. These green house effect warming is called as global warming. The effects of green house effect are visible more prominently in the recent years, with number of natural calamities on the rise in the whole world.
Global warming threatens to extinguish hundreds of millions of human lives and nearly a third of the planet's wildlife, an international panel of climate scientists said in a report issued today.
So,hurry we have to make everybody aware of the mistakes in our lifestyles to reverse the effects of global warming.
So,here we --------------GET SET AND GO....................................................................... .
Savita Dhutti